Containers Topple Whilst Travelling Through Philippines Tyhoon
Containers Topple Whilst Travelling Through Philippines Tyhoon 12/3/2013 Here’s something a little different for #ShippingContainerStories. Instead of writing about…
DetailsContainers Topple Whilst Travelling Through Philippines Tyhoon 12/3/2013 Here’s something a little different for #ShippingContainerStories. Instead of writing about…
DetailsShipping Container Porchetta Box Restaurant Developed in Canada 11/25/2013 Guillaume Noiseux and Guillaume Sasseville have developed Porchetta Box a…
DetailsChristmas Tree Filled Shipping Containers Infested with Slugs 11/22/2013 Hawaii state agriculture inspectors found slugs in six of 60 shipping…
DetailsNew Apprentices Join Lion Containers Ltd 11/20/2013 Lion Containers Ltd recently ran an apprenticeship programme where they invited young people…
DetailsShipping Container Used In Criminal Getaway 11/19/2013 A shipping container has been used as a getaway vehicle by one…
DetailsSingle Mom Builds Shipping Container Home on a Budget 11/18/2013 A single mom living in California built her own…
DetailsHorror Cargo Found in Shipping Container 11/15/2013 Look away now if you are faint at heart! Just imagine opening…
DetailsDrunk Man Wakes Up In Shipping Container 11/13/2013 I’m sure we all like a drink or two, but this…
DetailsShipping Container Flattens Audi S5 11/12/2013 Oh dear! Thankfully (and according to via Shanghaiist) both passengers escaped unhurt when a shipping…
DetailsHuntsman Spider Found in Shipping Container 11/11/2013 RSPCA Inspector Tony Woodley with the spider A spider described as “an…